Building your own rails form builder
If you’re building forms with rails, whether you’re using a gem for it or working with pure rails forms, you should know this.
Rails uses form builder to allow you to call all the standard label/input/select methods, the exact class name is
When calling ‘form_for’ you get a fresh instance of this FormBuilder which allows you to define your form elements.
Lets say you wanna add another reusable form element, for example a form section with title that uses your own custom style/classes.
To achieve that, you should extend the default form builder, just add a new class to your helpers folder lets call it ‘MyFormBuilder’ it looks like this
class MyFormBuilder < ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder
def section(title, id = "section-#{SecureRandom.uuid}")
@template.content_tag(:label, title, { class: 'form-label', id: id }) +
@template.content_tag(:div) do
yield if block_given?
end +
@template.content_tag('hr', '', { class: 'row-divider' })
So we defined a form builder with a section method now we just need to tell rails, that when we write in our view
to use our freshly coded MyFormBuilder
It’s actually super simple ( but not so documented ), if you’ll look at there’s a section called ‘Customized form builders’ which explains what I just wrote
To make your new form builder the default builder so you won’t have to specify it each time you write form_for you can do one of two options, add a new form_for method with a different name, or override existing form_for.
I prefer adding a new method, so on helpers/application_helper.rb I added the following code:
module ApplicationHelper
def my_form_for(name, *args, &block)
options = args.extract_options!
form_for(name, *(args << options.merge(:builder => MyFormBuilder)), &block),
:class => "core-form section"
def my_fields_for(name, classes, *args, &block)
options = args.extract_options!
fields_for(name, nil, *(args << options.merge(:builder => MyFormBuilder)), &block),
:class => "core-form section #{classes}"
Which allows me to use the classic form_for, or my extended my_form_for, and also my_fields_for instead of fields_for when nesting inside existing form.
It’s super useful when you got forms and wanna keep things DRY and managed, I use it to define a standard label with input with error rendering for example.
Hope you like it, please share your thoughts.